Anesthesia Practice Management Blogs

doctors talking

Key Considerations to Outsourcing Anesthesia

By Alex Gorecki

A common misperception among administrators and practice owners is that outsourcing anesthesia is simply not worth the effort or investment. From issuing an RFP, to interviewing groups, to reviewing proposals, to onboarding new anesthesia providers to finally reach the end goal of enjoying an outsourced anesthesia service can seem too burdensome. However, the right anesthesia…

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surgeons operating

Improving Anesthesia Reimbursement

By Charles Trentham

Anesthesia reimbursement is often mistakenly considered something that is static. We hear all too often from administrators who say, “it is what it is,” when referring to their lackluster anesthesia reimbursement rates. At CCI Anesthesia, we routinely roll up our sleeves to transform poorly performing anesthesia services and leave no stone unturned when it comes…

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