Negotiating a Fair Employment Agreement

Healthcare professionals shaking hands, symbolizing fair employment agreement negotiations.

Whether you are an anesthesiologist or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), your employment agreement is extremely important. The terms of employment agreements are usually negotiable, and you should never feel reluctant to question any terms out of fear of offending the prospective company. Understanding what type of information your employment agreement should (and should not) contain will help you choose the best job offer for your unique lifestyle.   

Anatomy of an Employment Agreement 

Employment agreements will vary from company to company and by employment type (full-time, part-time, independent contractor, etc.). The most essential elements of any employment agreement relate to compensation, work hours, job duties, length of the agreement and termination. These aspects should be clearly defined with no room for alternative interpretations. In some cases, it may be wise to engage legal counsel to ensure you understand the contract terms.

Prioritize Your Negotiation Agenda 

Before you begin negotiating your employment agreement, organize an idea of the elements you want to negotiate in order of importance. For some anesthesia providers, compensation is most important. For other anesthesia providers, schedules, job duties or location are top priorities. Decide what aspects of your job are most important to you and negotiate them first. Even though the anesthesia job market is highly competitive, you should still adopt a give-and-take approach to negotiating your employment agreement. 

Conduct Preliminary Research 

Learning as much as you can about the prospective company before engaging in an employment agreement negotiation can be highly beneficial. For example, you may discover there are certain non-negotiable policies pertaining to employment types, vacation time or other benefits that would simply be unproductive to discuss. If you know any current providers with the company, ask them for an honest depiction of what to expect if you choose to join the team. Find out how long the prospective company has held the anesthesia contract at the facility where you intend to work and for how many years their anesthesia providers tend to stay with the company. These facts may influence how strongly you choose to negotiate specific aspects of your employment agreement.

Keep Your Best Interests in Mind

After you have conducted these preparatory items, it is time to negotiate your employment agreement. This is a simple business discussion that should not make you nervous or anxious. You should be eager to advocate for yourself and approach the conversation with confidence. If you have questions or concerns about the agreement, address them. In the end, you should feel assured and happy with the agreement. 

CCI Anesthesia’s Employment Agreements

Anesthesia providers who value respect, clinical autonomy and professional mentorship are ideal candidates for joining the CCI Anesthesia family. Our track record and low turnover rates prove we take excellent care of our anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists. Our goal is for the job you take with us to be the last one you take. 

  • At CCI Anesthesia, we believe our providers are our most valuable resource. Our providers can expect: 
  • Clinical autonomy in their anesthesia practice
  • Competitive, above-market compensation as an independent contractor
  • Ample time away from practice
  • Professional and timely administrative support
  • Leadership and mentoring from our experienced Regional Medical Officers, Regional Clinical Officers, and Chiefs of Anesthesia
  • Advancement opportunities in hospital practice leadership

CCI prides itself on maintaining long-term partnerships with all of our hospitals and surgery centers, offering desirable job stability. We recruit anesthesiologists and CRNAs with independent skill sets and diverse clinical backgrounds. In fact, more than half of our providers are military veterans. We strive to always support the clinical autonomy of our providers and challenge everyone to learn and become proficient in delivering the newest, safest forms of anesthesia care. 

We are actively recruiting CRNAs to work in hospitals and surgery centers across the country. Whether you are interested in a full-time or part-time position, we may have the job you are looking for. View our open job opportunities today or contact us to schedule an appointment to talk with one of our recruiters.