CCI Institute for Excellence: Foundations of Perioperative Leadership
The delivery of quality anesthesia care involves much more than anesthetizing patients. Anesthesiologists and CRNAs are part of perioperative teams working together to achieve safe, productive and efficient work environments. Effective leadership is critical to the success of an anesthesia department. At CCI Anesthesia, our goal is to develop anesthesia leaders who go above and beyond simply managing an anesthesia department.
Leadership Qualities That Matter
Leaders are focused on change and progress by setting a direction, developing a vision for the future, and defining strategies for accomplishing the vision. There is no specific leadership style that is more effective or valuable than another. For example, leaders can be visionary, pacesetting, coaching, or a combination of many styles. Ultimately, the style that best motivates the multidisciplinary perioperative team, inspires others and realizes the hospital’s goals is ideal. Good leaders can identify which style works best for their unique situation and can adapt and shift leadership styles when needed.
Principles of Leadership
The best leaders are those who take responsibility. Rather than placing blame or pointing fingers, leaders cultivate learning experiences for the entire team that produce better outcomes. By setting positive examples, perioperative leaders can encourage their followers to become better clinicians and teammates. Leaders know their followers well and look out for their best interests instead of intentionally seeking opportunities to reprimand them. By ensuring everyone’s jobs are understood, supervised and accomplished, leaders are empowered to make timely decisions that are soundly rooted in facts.
Implications of Poor Leadership
In today’s healthcare climate, we cannot stress enough the importance of solid leadership. Ineffective leadership can result in decreased staff morale and productivity, and can ultimately have a negative impact on departmental and organizational outcomes. With the competitive job market for anesthesia providers, increased pressures from payers and heightened scrutiny from hospital administrations, leadership can make the difference between the success and failure of a department.
A Commitment to Lifelong Learning
Leaders consistently seek self-improvement. In the anesthesia community, continuing education is essential, since the science of anesthesia continues to evolve through research and the introduction of new techniques and drugs. Even though this clinical element of continuing education is important, it is also important to seek professional growth opportunities. Every good leader should be mentored by great leaders. Learning from other anesthesia leaders is invaluable, which is one of the reasons we have created the CCI Institute for Excellence.
Leadership Outside of the Operating Room (OR)
CCI Anesthesia leaders are empowered to lead inside and outside of the OR. We support our leaders in serving on anesthesia related hospital committees that can improve operational efficiencies. Collaborating regularly with nursing and administrative staff ensures everyone is on the same page and working toward priority goals. Since CCI Anesthesia takes on our clients’ goals as our own, our leaders look for every opportunity to create value for our clients. Playing a role in increasing patient safety, reducing costs and promoting better clinical outcomes is always our goal.
Leadership Opportunities at CCI Anesthesia
CCI Anesthesia is always looking for anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists who are interested in upward mobility by taking on leadership roles within the company. Regional medical officers, regional clinical officers, and regional directors of operations hold vital roles within our organization and are key liaisons between the company and our providers and clients. Supporting our providers in their individual career pursuits is our passion.
Learn more about the CCI Institute for Excellence by calling us directly at 800.494.3948.
We are actively recruiting CRNAs to work in hospitals and surgery centers across the country. Whether you are interested in a full-time or part-time position, we may have the job you are looking for. View our open job opportunities today or contact us to schedule an appointment to talk with one of our recruiters.