Anesthesia Practice Management Blogs

Fostering a Collaborative Culture in Anesthesia Care

By CCI Anesthesia

Communication and teamwork are key to positive patient outcomes throughout the perioperative process. A collaborative culture is based on mutual respect, open communication and shared goals. Additionally, the development of a collaborative culture results from the deliberate actions of anesthesia team members. Here, we’ll explore how to foster a collaborative culture in anesthesia care and…

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The Power of Autonomy and Teamwork in Anesthesia Care

By CCI Anesthesia

In the world of healthcare, autonomy and teamwork both play an essential role in the creation of successful, satisfying careers that stand the test of time. Autonomy allows care providers to utilize their expertise without the red tape of bureaucracy, while teamwork helps each provider use their colleagues’ knowledge to improve patient care. Autonomy in…

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